9 Plants Packed with Protein

If you eat a plant-based diet you probably hear this question all the time:

“Where do you get your protein, calcium and iron from??”

Yeah, we hear this all the time too. Most people don’t know that plants contain a lot of protein, but they do. We found this great blog post about nine plants you should consider eating frequently as they are protein- (and nutrient-) packed plant powerhouses.  And have some alliteration with your plants. 🙂

These nine plants are (drum roll please):

  • Pumpkin SeedsCauliflower
  • Asparagus
  • Cauliflower
  • Peanuts
  • Mung Bean Sprouts
  • Almonds
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Quinoa


I had no idea that cauliflower was such a powerful plant! All these years I thought it was boring, white mush, because after all, isn’t that how most people serve it? Who knew? Truth be told, as a kid, my mom used to serve it to us raw with yellow mustard and it wasn’t bad. Where cauliflower was ruined for me was on a trip to Germany years ago when I ordered a mystery meal from the menu based on the fact that the only word I could read on the menu was “cheese” in German and really, what could be horrible covered in cheese?  This was clearly prior to being a Plantivore. I know, I should bite my tongue. But I digress. Turns out my mystery meal was cooked, mushy cauliflower on a giant piece of ham, covered in what looked like melted Velveeta cheese. That was enough to ruin me on cauliflower for years. I think I’ll get un-ruined now that I know how good it is for me.

If you want a good recipe for a cauliflower soup, try this one from Fat Free Vegan.

This Almond Roasted Cauliflower from Dreena Burton has become a regular at our house.

Ten points go to the first person who can come up with an edible meal using all nine of these powerhouses!



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